How to Tell If your Hair is Damaged
Damaged hair is a nightmare that we all dread, but it's an experience we sometimes encounter. As some physicist once said, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite...
8 Creative Colour Combinations to Make your Bedroom look Beautiful
The bedroom should be our haven, where we can explore our favourite colours and how they blend together. However, most of the time, our inspiration gets stuck in our heads...
12 Healthy Sleeping Habits for Women
Finding the right amount of sleep can be surprisingly challenging for women due to numerous factors working against it. How we sleep, and our habits play a significant role in...
Understanding the Importance of Sleep: How Much Do You Really Need?
Often, we tend to underestimate the significance of sleep in our pursuit of success. There is a widespread notion that billionaires wake up at extremely early hours, typically between 3 to 5 a.m., and this practice is considered an exemplary or even normal standard.
How to Sleep on Curly Hair without Ruining it
Loving your curly hair can be a rollercoaster ride with only a few good hair days and lots of not-so-good ones! Some days, your curls behave and look amazing, but on other days, they can be wild and tricky to handle.
How Sleeping with Silk Hydrates the Hair
In the world of hair care, the terms silk scrunchies, silk bonnet, and silk pillowcases are not unknown, but if occasionally you find yourself wondering how exactly silk keeps the hair hydrated, you will discover all the answers you need right here!
How to Naturally Make your Hair Curly Overnight
Do you ever find yourself scrolling through Instagram or browsing the internet, admiring your favourite celebrities with their gorgeous curls and waves? Read on to find out how.
How to Wrap Your Curly Hair at Night to Preserve Curls
Having great hair days with curly hair is like a dream come true. But keeping those perfect curls intact while you sleep is a whole different story. You might go...
The Best Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain
Whether you suffer lower back pain from sleeping or need to find relief once you retire for the day, this post on sleeping positions for lower back pain is here...
Night Owls vs Early Birds | Which is Best?
They say the early bird catches the worm, but is that really true? When thinking about night owls vs early birds, is one better than the other?
Duvet Tog Ratings Explained
If duvet tog ratings leave you puzzled and wondering what it all means, then you’re far from alone. Hence this duvet tog guide!
White Noise vs Pink Noise vs Brown Noise
If you have trouble falling asleep, then you may have thought about playing some white noise in the background.