6 Reasons You Should Use a Silk Eye Mask

Some people sleep like the dead, others are light sleepers, restless sleepers, or even struggle with insomnia. Whatever your personal situation, a silk eye mask can do wonders for improving...
October 14, 2020 — Michelle Fletcher Smith

8 Factors to Consider Before Buying A New Pillowcase

Silk has long been viewed as a luxury item, from its inception in ancient China to its use in the modern-day home. This wonder fabric is light, easy to clean, and smooth to the touch. It does not contain harmful irritants and is 100% natural.
October 14, 2020 — Michelle Smith

Do Silk Pillowcases Really Make a Difference?

Have you ever wondered about getting yourself some silk pillowcases? How come you haven't yet? Well, you're probably wondering do silk pillowcases really make a difference? Simply said: YES. In this article, we will cover what you need to know about silk pillowcases. So keep reading to learn more.
October 07, 2020 — Michelle Smith

How a Deeper Sleep Can Improve Your Skin

The human body needs about seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Without a proper sleep cycle, however, your entire body could suffer.
September 18, 2020 — Michelle Smith

Better Sleep Posture: How to Look Better After a Good Night's Sleep

What if you could wake up every morning feeling refreshed and energized?
September 18, 2020 — Michelle Fletcher Smith

How To Wash Your Pillowcase And Keep It Looking Like New

Did you know that according to the Sleep Cycle app, the UK is in 45th place in terms of sleep quality while the US is 49th? Sleep quality isn't just about sleeping longer–it also matters how deeply and comfortably you sleep.
August 17, 2020 — Michelle Smith

Do Silk Pillowcases Really Make a Difference?

Have you ever wondered about getting yourself some silk pillowcases? How come you haven't yet?

Well, you're probably wondering do silk pillowcases really make a difference? Simply said: YES.

In this article, we will cover what you need to know about silk pillowcases.

So keep reading to learn more.

August 17, 2020 — Michelle Smith

10 Top Tips For Healthy Skin

It’s so important to look after your skin properly. Not only for vanity’s sake but also for your overall health.
July 02, 2020 — Michelle Smith

Why Should You Sleep On A Silk Pillow?

Many people are cottoning on – if you’ll pardon the pun – to the benefits of sleeping on pure, luxurious silk.
July 02, 2020 — Michelle Fletcher Smith

Does a satin pillowcase prevent wrinkles?

The type of bedlinen most people use is not necessarily the best choice when it comes to caring for your skin and hair, which is why silk and satin pillowcases are growing in popularity. Before splashing your hard-earned cash, however, you’d be quite right to ask does a satin pillowcase prevent wrinkles, or would it simply be a waste of money?
July 02, 2020 — Michelle Smith

Are satin pillowcases good for skin?

You may have heard that sleeping on a smooth surface such as silk or satin is really good for your skin and hair.
July 02, 2020 — Michelle Smith

Do Silk Pillowcases Really Work Wonders?

With more and more silk stores popping up all the time, telling us of the range of beauty benefits we can reap from sleeping on a pure silk pillowcase, it’s difficult to know whether it’s a beauty product worth splashing out on. Do silk pillowcases really work?
July 02, 2020 — Michelle Smith