Limit caffeine and alcohol
Don’t worry, we’re not saying you can’t have that pep-me-up morning coffee or that oh-so-welcome glass of chilled wine or beer at all.
You simply need to try and stick to sensible limits, such as no caffeine after a certain time in the afternoon and stopping after one or two alcoholic drinks.
It’s about what works for you. Some people need to stop drinking coffee at 3pm to help ensure an uninterrupted night’s sleep; for others it may be 5pm. Ditto with alcohol - some tolerate it better than others and can therefore get away with drinking a little more.
After-dinner coffees and consuming all your recommended units in one night don’t bode well for a good night’s rest, that’s all we’re saying.
Avoid that nighttime cocoa
While we’re on the topic… no hot drink sipped just before bed is going to cool you down before you slip between the sheets. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Stick to cold drinks that will make you feel pleasantly chilled from the inside out, rather than hot beverages that will have the opposite effect.