Did you know that according to the Sleep Cycle app, the UK is in 45th place in terms of sleep quality while the US is 49th? Sleep quality isn't just about sleeping longer–it also matters how deeply and comfortably you sleep.

You can start by investing in comfortable sheets, make your room cooler, and invest in blackout curtains.

However, your pillowcase can also determine how well you sleep and even the quality of your skin. Even though we have our face pressed up against a pillow for seven hours or more a night, it's easy for us to take them for granted!

Read on to learn all the benefits of a silk pillowcase along with how to wash a them so that it can last you years!

The best way to wash your silk is to wash it in a washing machine at 30°. Turn the pillowcase inside out, that will keep the silk looking like new. The close the zipper to 3/4 closed. The most important part is to always use a silk washing liquid.

What Are the Benefits of Silk?

You may be wondering why you should invest the extra money in a luxury pillowcase when you're used to sleeping with cheaper alternatives.

Here are a few reasons why they're worth the cost.

1. Preventing Wrinkles

Since silk is smooth and slippery against the skin when you sleep the fabric won't be pulling your skin. Compared to cotton pillowcases, your tossing and turning won't result in wrinkles from crushing your face against the pillow.

2. Preventing Frizz

Frizzy and tangled hair when you wake up from a long sleep is typically from tossing and turning. As you move around in bed, the fabric of your pillow catches on your hair and causes it to tangle. Since silk is so smooth, you won't experience nearly as much frizz when you wake up.

3. Keeping Cool

If you have trouble with overheating when you get to bed, silk can help keep you cool. Instead of trapping moisture like cotton, silk naturally wicks away moisture. This is especially helpful if you live in damp and humid climates.

4. Hydrated Skin

You'll also find that silk's ability to wick away moisture is great for your skin. Fabric like cotton normally absorbs moisture from your face, which can contribute to dryness when you wake up. Silk is less likely to absorb that moisture.

How to Wash Your Luxury Bedding?

Now that you know all the benefits of silk, you may be wondering, "Can you wash a quality pillowcase?"

The good news is that you can on your own without needing to take them in for dry cleaning. When you know the proper method of washing silk pillowcases, they'll be able to last you for years.

How Often Do You Wash a Pillowcase?

First, it helps to know how often you should wash them. You'll want to aim for at least once a week. If you struggle with acne or oily skin, you'll want to switch them out even more frequently. This is because you're resting your face on the same pillow for several hours a night.

The natural oils and bacteria on your face build-up on the pillowcase and can contribute to acne if they go unwashed for long amounts of time.

Hand or Machine Washing?

You can either hand wash your pillowcase or machine wash them. If you decide to machine wash them, make sure you use the gentle cycle. Place them in a mesh laundry bag so they aren't twisted and knotted in the wash.

If you hand wash, use a gentle touch, and avoid twisting or gripping them tightly. Cold water is better than hot, as hot water can damage the fibres.

Detergent and Stains

You'll want to use a gentle detergent that will be able to clean the fibres well while protecting them at the same time. If you're hand washing your pillowcases, aim for one teaspoon per sink basin.

Treating stains is easy. Before you begin washing them, check for any stains and place a dab of your gentle detergent on the stain. Massage the detergent into the fabric for a few minutes.


When it's time to rinse your pillowcases, add about a half a cup of distilled white vinegar to your water. This will help thoroughly rinse out any remaining detergent so your pillowcases remain silky and smooth.

How to Wash Silk the Best Way

Knowing how to wash your silk as well as how often will help protect both your skin and your pillowcase. It's important to switch out your pillowcases at least once a week so that you're not sleeping on a pillowcase that's full of bacteria.

Washing silk is all about a gentle touch and gentle detergent to protect the fibres. Take your time and you'll be rewarded with an investment that will last you for years.

Ready to improve the quality of your sleep? Take a look at a grey silk pillowcase that is 100% Mulberry silk!

Michelle Smith