If you are considering the purchase of luxury bedding to help prevent wrinkles, then you might be wondering why sleeping on silk could mean having fewer lines on your face.
There are a number of reasons why resting your head on good-quality silk can make for less facial wrinkling.
During the night, you move around and change position. As your face moves across the pillow, this can drag on your skin. The friction caused by a rougher material than silk, such as cotton or man-made fibres, means that this dragging of the skin is amplified.
If you sleep on silk, however, the super smooth surface means your skin glides easily across. This can help reduce facial lines and wrinkles as well as pillow creases, the result being that you wake up each day with younger looking skin.
Face creams
As we touched on earlier, people spend a lot of money on decent facial products, in the hope, this will have an anti-ageing effect as they slumber. We also mentioned cotton pillowcases. Cotton is very absorbent, which means that a lot of that expensive face-cream might just end up on the pillow.
Sleeping on silk can mean less moisture loss from your skin, which in turn makes for more plumped-up, youthful looking skin.